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les infos de La Bignole

14  16 septembre 1924  18


Page Two - Civil War in China. Heavy fighting reportedly taking place 15 miles from Shanghai. Immediately following in the same column: British Troops to the Aid of King Hussein

Same page - In Spanish Morocco, the retreat continues without stopping. An English Company, interested in the mines of the Riff, advanced Abd El Krim a certain sum used by the leader of the Riffains to continue the fight. This is the nerve of war, of all wars... Who benefits from the crime?


Page two - Will Mecca, the Holy City of Islam, fall to the schismatics? A religious drama that could have political consequences.

Le Grand Écho du Nord

Page One - The discovery of the manuscripts of Titus Livius is a good deal. How Professor di Martino found the manuscripts of Titus Livius.

Le Petit Parisien

Page one - After the investigation by Mr. Albert Londres in the Petit Parisien, the penal colony will be abolished but what will be done with the convicts?

Page two - First class milk, whole milk, not skimmed, sold as the cow gives it, will be recognized by a red label... So for a century, the legislator has been playing the waltz of labels to "inform" the consumer. It probably started with a good feeling, but today, can we trust the marking of products...

Same page - Grown-ups, serious people! My God, what big words! Where are the serious people? This is Maurice Prax's column, which kindly spares the sensibilities of "men of power" among others...

14 septembre 1924 18 septembre 1924