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les infos de La Bignole

23   27 mars 1924   30


Page une - Le tour du monde en hydravion des trois pilotes Anglais, Mac Laren, Plenderleith et Andrews

Page one - The world tour in a seaplane by the three English pilots, Mac Laren, Plenderleith and Andrews

Même page - La démission du ministère Poincaré, mis en minorité par sept voix à la Chambre

Same page - The resignation of the Poincaré ministry, outvoted by seven votes in the Chamber

Toujours page une - Il y a juste cent ans que les électeurs songèrent à se grouper en comités électoraux, pour choisir leurs candidats.

Still page one - It was just a hundred years ago that voters thought of grouping themselves into electoral committees, to choose their candidates.

Page cinq - L'aviation, à son stade présent, semble bien près d'avoir atteint sa limite en vitesse et en altitude.

Page five - Aviation, at its present stage, seems very close to having reached its limit in speed and altitude.

Le Journal des débats

Page une - La crise politique en Yougoslavie à la veille de la démission du Cabinet Pachitch. Des renseignements qui précisent l'origine de la crise, crise qui a perduré et qui laisse des traces  encore aujourd'hui

Page one - The political crisis in Yugoslavia on the eve of the resignation of the Pachitch Cabinet. Information which specifies the origin of the crisis, a crisis which has persisted and which still leaves traces today

Page deux - La proclamation de la République en Grèce coïncidait avec la fête nationale, qui a été célébrée hier. Le roi Georges II a déclaré qu'il était fermement décidé à ne pas abdiquer

Page two - The proclamation of the Republic in Greece coincided with the national holiday, which was celebrated yesterday. King George II says he is firmly resolved not to abdicate


Page deux - « les assassins doivent s'estimer fort heureux d'avoir encore leur tête sur leurs épaules et d'être nourris aux frais de l'Etat. D'ailleurs... ». Ce discours fut interrompu par un concert de sifflets...

Page two - “the assassins must consider themselves very lucky to still have their heads on their shoulders and to be fed at the expense of the State. Besides... ". This speech was interrupted by a concert of whistles...

Page cinq - Les françaises veulent voter, Les femmes turques voteront. Le Parlement ottoman, en procédant à la revision de la Constitution a accordé aux femmes le droit de suffrage. Une chronique de Maria Vérone. Les femmes Françaises attendront 21 ans pour l'obtenir...

Page five - French women want to vote, Turkish women will vote. The Ottoman Parliament, by revising the Constitution, granted women the right to suffrage. A chronicle of Maria Verone. French women will wait 21 years to get it...

Même page - quelques recettes de poireaux, avec pour commencer un plat de haut luxe : les poireaux au gratin, suivi de poireaux en "fritot", de poireaux à l'indienne et de poireaux en omelette : l'omelette du "Bouif"

Same page - some leek recipes, starting with a very luxurious dish: leeks au gratin, followed by leeks in "fritot", leeks in Indian style and leeks in omelette: the "Bouif" omelette

La Presse

Page deux - Le rétablissement du point de départ des routes de France a réveillé de très vieux souvenirs historiques.

Page two - The re-establishment of the starting point of the roads of France has awakened very old historical memories.The zero point of the roads of France is the zero point of Paris, that is to say the kilometer point 0 of the roads leaving the capital, which is used as a reference for calculating distances with other cities in France.It is located on the Notre-Dame square, in front of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral.

Location and description

Point zero is located about fifty meters in front of the entrance to Notre-Dame, on the Île de la Cité, in the 4th arrondissement. The road marker which marks this point in the paving stones of the cathedral square takes the form of a compass rose engraved in the center of an octagonal bronze medallion; this is surrounded by a circular stone slab divided into four districts, each of which bears one of the inscriptions in capital letters: “POINT”, “ZÉRO”, “DES ROUTES” and “DE FRANCE”.

It should not be considered as a geodesic marker which would materialize a geodesic point; for example, the closest geodesic point in the RGF was until the fire of April 15, 2019 the spire of the cathedral. Following its collapse, the closest geodesic point is the spire of the Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis church, located a little less than 800 meters to the northeast.


Originally stood in the Middle Ages in front of the portal of the bishops and then the archbishops a post called the "Ladder of Justice" at the foot of which the condemned kneeled to make amends. Bare head and feet, holding a large yellow wax candle in their hands, they wore on their chest and back a double sign indicating the nature of their crime or a rope around their neck if they were condemned to death.

The criminals were then exposed on this gallows which served as a pillory.The scale was replaced in 1767 or 1768 by a straightjacket which was adopted as the zero point by letters patent from Louis XV

The materialization of this point in its current form was discussed for twelve years by the Municipal Council of Paris and by the Commission of Old Paris, between 1912 and 1924. The plaque was finally solemnly placed in 1924, on October 10 or 22 January according to sources. It was removed in 1966 and put back in place in 1972, in order to be able to carry out work initially aimed at the construction of an underground parking lot under the square, but which archaeological discoveries on the history of Paris ultimately led to the development in the crypt to protect them (the archaeological crypt of the Notre-Dame square).According to some analyses, it would be symbolic of the centralization of France around its capital.

23 mars 1924 30 mars 1924